Panasonic Songbird Album

Download the Panasonic Songbird album from the UnKindness Of Ravens site on Bandcamp. You can choose FLAC, Ogg, MP3, or other format. The package comes with liner notes and cover art. 

Panasonic Songbird

The links below will allow you to download individual Ogg or MP3 files (though in lower bitrates) from the Internet Archive.

  1. Oily Springs
  2. Hymn of Yield
  3. Heart of Texasvideo (.mpg)
  4. Dirty, Late, and the Boys
  5. A Curious Balloon 8
  6. Imps Find Wire
  7. Lamptree Light Oil
  8. Pour Us Little Monstrosity
  9. Winter Eidola
  10. Muscribbleic
  11. Deaf Nightmares of a Music Box Ballerina